As a part of a wide project whose purpose is the reconstruction of Emperor Charles V’s Ahnentafeln and a statistical study of their correlations (degree of inbreeding) and geographic distribution, we present here the available information concerning the contribution of Italian families, which amounts to identifying all known ancestors of Viridis Visconti (1352-1414), wife of Lepold III duke of Austria, and the only Italian among the 32 fifth generation ancestors of Charles V.

Our information is taken from (scholarly) secondary sources: most of them are not Web sources, since unfortunately genealogical information on the Web is usually unreliable. In a few cases we followed the indications included in the interesting site “Genealogie delle dinastie italiane”

We are deeply indebted with Mr Angelo Boschetti for many informations and  references, especially concerning families from the Northeastern part of Italy.


Main references

(to be completed)





Index page