01) P.Rossi

            "Spin 1/2 particles in the field of monopoles"

            Nuclear Physics B 127 (1977) 518-536                                                         (2.5.77)


02) P.Rossi

            "Fermion zero modes and "hidden" symmetry"

            Physics Letters 71 B (1977) 145-148                                                             (5.9.77)


03) P.Rossi

            "Propagation functions in the field of a monopole"

            Nuclear Physics B 149 (1979) 170-188                                                         (21.7.78)


04) R.Jackiw and P.Rossi

            "Stability and bifurcation in Yang-Mills theory"

            Physical Review D 21 (1980) 426-445                                                          (9.10.79)


05) G.Paffuti and P.Rossi

            "A solution of Wilson's loop equation in lattice QCD(2)"

            Physics Letters 92 B (1980) 321-323                                                             (3.3.80)r


06) C.Rebbi and P.Rossi

            "Multimonopole solutions in the Prasad-Sommerfield limit"

            Physical Review D 22 (1980) 2010-2017                                                      (27.6.80)


07) R.C.Brower, P.Rossi and C.-I Tan

            "Chiral chains for lattice quantum chromodynamics at N_c= \infty "

            Physical Review D 23 (1981) 942-952                                                          (22.9.80)


08) P.Rossi

            "N=4 supersymmetric monopoles and the vanishing of the \beta function"

            Physics Letters 99 B (1981) 229-231                                                             (3.10.80)


09) R.C.Brower, P.Rossi and C.-I Tan

            "Quantum chromodynamics on a tetrahedron at N_c= \infty"

            Physical Review D 23 (1981) 953-958                                                          (20.10.80)


10) P.Rossi

            "Continuum QCD_2 from a fixed point lattice action"

            Annals of Physics 132 (1981) 463-481                                                          (31.10.80)


11) M.K.Prasad and P.Rossi

            "Mirror symmetry and exact multimonopole solutions"

            Physical Review D 23 (1981) 1795-1799                                                      (24.11.80)


12) M.K.Prasad and P.Rossi

            "Construction of exact Yang-Mills-Higgs multimonopoles of arbitrary charge"

            Physical Review Letters 46 (1981) 806-809                                                  (12.12.80)



13) M.K.Prasad and P.Rossi

            "Construction of exact multimonopole solutions"

            Physical Review D 24 (1981) 2182-2199                                                      (23.2.81)


14) S.A.Brown, M.K.Prasad and P.Rossi

            "Multimonopole solutions"

            Physical Review D 24 (1981) 2217-2224                                                      (11.5.81)


15) R.Jackiw and P.Rossi

            "Zero modes of the vortex-fermion system"

            Nuclear Physics B 190 (1981) 681-691                                                         (1.6.81)


16) R.C.Brower, P.Rossi and C.-I Tan

            "The external field problem for QCD"

            Nuclear Physics B 190 (1981) 699-718                                                         (10.6.81)


17) L.Girardello, G.Immirzi and P.Rossi

            "Dynamical mass generation in the continuum Thirring model"

            Physics Letters B 109 (1982) 299-302                                                           (30.11.81)r


18) P.Rossi

            "Exact results in the theory of non-abelian magnetic monopoles"

            Physics Reports 86 (1982) 317-362                                                               (20.2.82)


19) P.Rossi

            "On the exact evaluation of <det U(p)> in a lattice gauge model"

            Physics Letters 117 B (1982) 72-74                                                               (19.5.82)


20) Y.Brihaye and P.Rossi

            "The twisted E.-K. model fails to reproduce the weak coupling of the Wilson model"

            Physics Letters 125 B (1983) 415-420                                                           (27.1.83)


21) Y.Brihaye, G.Maiella and P.Rossi

            "Twisted Eguchi-Kawai models: an analysis of the saddle points"

            Nuclear Physics B 222 (1983) 309-318                                                         (25.2.83)


22) P.Di Vecchia, R.Musto, F.Nicodemi, R.Pettorino, P.Rossi and P.Salomonson 

            "Explicit evaluation of physical quantities and supersymmetry properties of lattice

            O(N) sigma models at large N"

            Physics Letters 127 B (1983) 109-114                                                           (4.3.83)


23) G.Maiella and P.Rossi

            "The Eguchi-Kawai model in two dimensions"

            Physics Letters 128 B (1983) 421-424                                                           (25.4.83)r


24) B.Aneva, Y.Brihaye and P.Rossi

            "Pseudoabelian operators in the large N limit"

            Physics Letters 133 B (1983) 215-217                                                           (3.8.83)


25) P.Rossi and Y.Brihaye

            "The continuum limit of one dimensional nonlinear models"

            Physica 126 A (1984) 237-258                                                                       (30.8.83)



26) B.Aneva, Y.Brihaye and P.Rossi

            "Schwinger-Dyson equations in reduced twisted chiral models"

            Physics Letters 134 B (1984) 245-248                                                           (21.10.83)


27) Y.Brihaye and P.Rossi

            "The weak coupling phase of lattice spin and gauge models"

            Nuclear Physics B 235 (FS 11) (1984) 226-258                                            (7.11.83)r


28) B.Aneva, Y.Brihaye and P.Rossi

            "Reduced finite N continuum chiral model"

            Physics Letters 138 B (1984) 181-184                                                           (21.11.83)


29) Y.Brihaye and P.Rossi

            "On the one-link integrals over compact groups"

            Letters in Mathematical Physics 8 (1984) 207-215                                       (12.12.83)


30) P.Di Vecchia, R.Musto, F.Nicodemi, R.Pettorino and P.Rossi

            "The transition from the lattice to the continuum: CP(N-1) models at large N"

            Nuclear Physics B 235 (FS 11) (1984) 478-520                                            (9.1.84)


31) P.Di Vecchia and P.Rossi

            "On the equivalence between the W.-Z. action and the free Fermi theory in two dimensions"

            Physics Letters 140 B (1984) 344-348                                                           (24.2.84)


32) N.K.Pak and P.Rossi

            "Gauged Goldstone boson effective action from direct integration of Bardeen anomaly"

            Nuclear Physics B 250 (1985) 279-294                                                         (26.3.84)


33) N.K.Pak and P.Rossi

            "Low energy theorems from the effective Lagrangian"

            Physics Letters 148 B (1984) 343-346                                                           (30.7.84)


34) Y.Brihaye, N.K.Pak and P.Rossi

            "Construction of the effective vertices and the gauge invariant currents in the gauged

            Wess-Zumino action"

            Physics Letters 149 B (1984) 191-196                                                           (27.8.84)


35) Y.Brihaye, N.K.Pak and P.Rossi

            "Vector mesons within the effective lagrangian approach"

            Nuclear Physics B 254 (1985) 71-88                                                             (14.9.84)


36) P.Di Vecchia, V.G.Knizhnik, J.L.Petersen and P.Rossi

            "A supersymmetric Wess-Zumino lagrangian in two dimensions"

            Nuclear Physics B 253 (1985) 701-726                                                         (12.11.84)


37) P.Rossi

            "Quantum realizations of the superanomaly in two dimensional models"

            Nuclear Physics B 261 (1985) 731-749                                                         (31.1.85)


38) Y.Brihaye, N.K.Pak and P.Rossi

            "On the vector meson dominance in effective chiral lagrangians"

            Physics Letters 164 B (1985) 111-116                                                           (30.8.85)



39) E.Barsanti and P.Rossi

            "How to find the large N critical point from strong coupling master fields"

            Physics Letters 187 B (1987) 387-389                                                           (23.12.86)


40) E.Barsanti and P.Rossi

            "The invariant master field approach to U(\infty) lattice chiral models"

            Zeitschrift fur Physik C 36 (1987) 143-151                                                   (3.4.87)


41) M.Campostrini, G.Curci and P.Rossi

            "The Gross-Neveu model and the pseudofermion algorithm"

            Nuclear Physics B 314 (1989) 467-518                                                         (8.8.88)r


42) G.Curci, G.Paffuti and P.Rossi

            "The hidden SO(4) symmetry of general SU(2) Thirring models"

            Physics Letters 215 B (1988) 349-351                                                           (19.9.88)


43) A.Bondi, G.Curci, G.Paffuti and P.Rossi

            "Ultraviolet properties of the generalized Thirring model with U(N) symmetry"

            Physics Letters 216 B (1989) 345-348                                                           (20.10.88)


44) G.Paffuti and P.Rossi

            "The metric and the central charge of U(N) four-fermion models in the1/N expansion"

            Physics Letters 234 B (1990) 85-87                                                               (28.4.89)


45) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "A comparison of numerical algorithms for dynamical fermions"

            Nuclear Physics B 329 (1990) 753-764                                                         (4.7.89)r


46) A.Bondi, G.Curci, G.Paffuti and P.Rossi

            "Metric and central charge in the perturbative approach to two-dimensional fermionic


            Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 199 (1990) 268-339                                               (5.7.89)


47) P.Biscari, M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "Quantitative picture of the scaling behaviour of lattice nonlinear sigma models from

            the 1/N expansion"

            Physics Letters 242 B (1990) 225-233                                                           (2.3.90)


48) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "Scaling properties of condensates in the 1/N expansion of lattice nonlinear


            Physics Letters 242 B (1990) 81-88                                                               (20.3.90)


49) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "Finite size scaling in the 1/N expansion"

            Physics Letters 255 B (1991) 89-95                                                               (9.11.90)


50) C.Luperini and P.Rossi

            "Three loops beta function(s) and effective potential in the Gross-Neveu model"

            Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 212 (1991) 371-401                                               (14.2.91)r





51) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "Dimensional regularization in the 1/N expansion"

            Intern.Journ. of Modern Physics A 7 (1992) 3265-3289                               (23.5.91)


52) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "CP(N-1) models in the 1/N expansion"

            Physical Review D 45 (1992) 618-638;   D 46 (1992) 2741-2742 (E)          (30.7.91)


53) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "1/N expansion of the topological susceptibility in the CP(N-1) models"

            Physics Letters 272 B (1991) 305-312                                                           (19.9.91)


54) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Monte-Carlo simulation of CP(N-1) models"

            Physical Review D 46 (1992) 2647-2662                                                      (2.4.92)


55) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Topological susceptibility and string tension in the lattice CP(N-1) models"

            Physical Review D 46 (1992) 4643-4656                                                      (3.8.92)


56) P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Finite size scaling in CP(N-1) models"

            Physical Review D 48 (1993) 3869-3883                                                      (15.12.92)


57) M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "The 1/N expansion of two dimensional spin models"

            Riv.Nuovo Cimento 16 n.6 (1993) 1-111                                                       (10.5.93)


58) P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Two dimensional SU(N)XSU(N) chiral models on the lattice"

            Physical Review D 49 (1994) 1621-1628;  D 55 (1997) 1698 (E)                 (7.9.93)


59) P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Two dimensional SU(N)XSU(N) chiral models on the lattice(II): the Green's

            function"                                                                                                         (25.1.94)

            Physical Review D 49 (1994) 6072-6095;  D 50 (1994) 4718; D 55 (1997) 1698    (E)


60) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Asymptotic scaling from strong coupling"

            Physical Review D 51 (1995) 958-961                                                          (20.6.94)


61) P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Master Wilson loop operators in large N lattice QCD_2"

`           Physics Letters 349 B (1995) 177-180                                                           (19.12.94)


62) P.Rossi and C.-I Tan

            "Simplicial chiral models"

            Physical Review D 51 (1995) 7159-7161                                                      (27.12.94)


63) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Running coupling constant and correlation length from Wilson loops"

            Physics Letters 349 B (1995) 499-503                                                           (13.1.95)



64) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Strong coupling expansion of chiral models"

            Physical Review D 52 (1995) 358-385                                                          (8.2.95)


65) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Strong coupling analysis of the 2-d large-N lattice chiral models"

            Physical Review D 52 (1995) 386-394                                                          (8.2.95)


66) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Large-N phase transition in lattice 2-d principal chiral models"

            Physical Review D 52 (1995) 395-401                                                          (8.2.95)


67) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Four-point renormalized coupling constant in O(N) models"

            Nuclear Physics B 459 (1996) 207-242                                                         (2.6.95)r


68) R.C.Brower, M.Campostrini, K.Orginos, P.Rossi, C.-I Tan and E.Vicari

            "Critical behavior of simplicial chiral models"

            Physical Review D 53 (1996) 3230-3246                                                      (6.10.95)r


69) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "A strong-coupling analysis of two-dimensional O(N) sigma models with N > 3

            on square, triangular and honeycomb lattices"

            Physical Review D 54 (1996) 1782-1808                                                      (8.2.96)


70) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "A strong-coupling analysis of two-dimensional O(N) sigma models with N < 2

            on square, triangular and honeycomb lattices"

            Physical Review B 54 (1996) 7301-7317                                                       (4.3.96)


71) P.Rossi, M.Campostrini and E.Vicari

            "The large-N expansion of unitary-matrix models"

            Physics Reports 302 (1998) 143-209                                                             (15.7.96)r


72) P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Classical improvement of lattice actions and quantum effects: a unified view"

            Physics Letters 389 B (1996) 571-576                                                           (9.9.96)


73) L.Rastelli, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Topological charge on the lattice: a field-theoretical view of the geometrical approach"

            Nuclear Physics B 489 (1997) 453-468                                                         (9.10.96)


74) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "On the evaluation of universal non-perturbative constants in O(N) sigma models"

            Physics Letters 402 B (1997) 141-146                                                           (19.2.97)


75) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Critical limit and anisotropy in the two-point correlation function of three-dimensional

            O(N) models"

            EuroPhysics Letters 38 (1997) 577-582                                                         (9.4.97)





76) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "The two-point correlation function of three-dimensional O(N) models: critical limit

            and anisotropy"

            Physical Review E 57 (1998) 184-210                                                           (9.5.97)r


77) M.Dilaver, P.Rossi and Y.Gunduc

            "Scaling contributions to the free energy in the 1/N expansion of O(N) nonlinear sigma

            models in d-dimensions"

            Physics Letters  420 B (1998) 314-318                                                          (10.10.97)


78) A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Crossover scaling from classical to nonclassical critical behavior"

            Physical Review E 58 (1998) 7146-7150                                                       (24.4.98)


79) A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Mean-field expansion for spin models with medium-range interactions"

            Nuclear Physics B 554 (1999) 552-606                                                         (30.3.99)


80) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Improved high-temperature expansion and critical equation of state of three-dimensional   

            Ising-like systems"

            Physical Review E 60 (1999) 3526-3563                                                       (7.5.99)r


81) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Determination of the critical exponents for the \lambda transition of 4He by improved

            high-temperature expansion"

Physical Review B 61 (2000) 5905-5908                                                       (30.8.99)


82) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Critical equation of state of three-dimensional XY systems"

            Physical Review B 62 (2000) 5843-5854                                                       (2.2.00)


83) A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "The critical behavior of frustrated spin models with noncollinear order"

            Physical Review B 63 (2001) 140414-1/4                                                      (25.8.00)r


84) M.Campostrini, M.Hasenbusch, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Critical behavior of the three-dimensional XY universality class"

Physical Review B 63 (2001) 214503-1/28                                                    (27.10.00)r


85) A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Large-n critical behavior of O(n)xO(m) spin models"

            Nuclear Physics B 607 (2001) 605-634                                                         (11.4.01)


86) P.Parruccini and P.Rossi

            "Generalized crossover in multiparameter Hamiltonians"

            Physical Review E 64 (2001) 047104-1/4                                                      (11.4.01)


87) S.Caracciolo, M.S.Causo, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Crossover phenomena in spin models with medium-range interactions and self-avoiding

            walks with medium-range jumps"

            Physical Review E 64 (2001) 046130-1/22                                                    (14.5.01)


88) L.Del Debbio, H.Panagopoulos, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "k-string tensions in SU(N) gauge theories"

            Physical Review D 65 (2002) 021501-1/4                                                     (22.6.01)


89) A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Chiral exponents in frustrated spin models with noncollinear ordering"

            Physical Review B 65 (2002) 020403-1/4                                                      (27.6.01)


90) M.Campostrini, M.Hasenbusch, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Critical exponents and equation of state of the three-dimensional Heisenberg

            universality class" 

            Physical Review B 65 (2002) 144520-1/21                                                    (16.10.01)


91) L.Del Debbio, H.Panagopoulos, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Spectrum of confining strings in SU(N) gauge theories"

            JHEP 01 (2002) 009  0-31                                                                              (14.11.01)


92) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "25-th-order high-temperature expansion of three-dimensional Ising-like systems

            on the simple cubic lattice"

            Physical Review E 65 (2002) 066127-1/19                                                    (14.1.02)


93) M.Campostrini, P.Parruccini and P.Rossi

            "On the evaluation of the improvement parameter in the lattice Hamiltonian approach

            to critical phenomena"

            Physical Review E 67 (2003) 046121-1/14                                                    (3.12.02)


94) M.Cipollini, J.He, P.Rossi, F.Baronti, A.Micheli, A.M.Rossi and R.Barale

“Can individual repair kinetics of UVC-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes

be assessed through the comet assay?”

Mutation Research 601 (2006) 150-161                                                         (15.6.06)


95) P.Rossi                                                                                                                

            “Measuring Large Scale Space Perception in Literary texts”

            Physica A 380 (2007) 439-446                                                                       (15.5.06)r


96) A.De Luca and P.Rossi

            “Renormalization group evaluation of exponents in family name distributions”

            Physica A 388 (2009) 3609-3614                                                                   (23.12.08)r


97) L.Bazzichi, P.Rossi, C.Giacomelli, F.De Feo, F.Bobbio-Pallavicini, A.Rossi,  C.Baldini,

       A.Consensi, M. Doveri, C.Bonino, M.Mazzantini, A.Della Rossa, C.Montecucco,


“A proposal of simple calculation (ERI calculator) to predict the early response to

TNF-alpha blockers therapy in rheumatoid arthritis”

Rheumatology International 32 (2012) 349-356                                            (19.5.10)


98) R.Mannella and P.Rossi

            “On the time dependence of the h index”                              

Journal of Informetrics 7 (2013) 176-182                                                      (15.7.12)



99) P. Rossi

            “Surname distribution in population genetics and in statistical physics”

            Physics of Life Reviews 10 (2013) 395-415                                                  (31.1.13)r


100) P. Rossi

            “Invariant expectation values in the sampling of discrete frequency distributions”

            Physica A 394 (2014) 177-186                                                                       (3.5.13)


101) P. Rossi

            Reply to comments “Surname distribution in population genetics and in statistical physics

Physics of Life Reviews 10 (2013) 426-427                                                  (26.9.13)


102) P. Rossi

            Self-Similarity in Population Dynamics: Surname Distributions and Genealogical Trees

            Entropy 17 (2015) 425-437                                                                            (15.1.15)


103) D.Risso, L.Taglioli, Iasio, P.Gueresi, G.Alfano, S.Nelli, P.Rossi, G. Paoli, S.Tofanelli

            “Estimating sampling selection bias in human genetics: a phenomenological approach”

            PLoS ONE 10(10):e0140146                                                                          (19.6.15)


104) P. Rossi

            “Effective Lagrangian of CP(N-1) models in the large N limit”

            Physical Review D 94 (2016) 045013 1-5                                                     (23.6.16)


105) C. Bonati, M. D’Elia, P.  Rossi and E. Vicari

            “Theta dependence of 4D SU(N) gauge theories in the large N limit”         

            Physical Review D 94 (2016) 085017 1-12                                                   (21.7.16)






1)  P.Rossi

            "Axially symmetric multimonopole solutions", in "Monopoles in Quantum Field Theory",

ed. by N.Craigie, P.Goddard and W.Nahm, World Scientific Pub.Co (1982) 141-144


2)  M.Campostrini, G.Curci and P.Rossi

            "The Gross-Neveu model and the pseudofermion algorithm"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 4 (1988) 557-561


3)  M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "1/N expansion of CP(N-1) models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 26 (1992) 592-594


4)  M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Scaling and asymptotic scaling in two-dimensional CP(N-1) models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 30 (1993) 819-822


5)  M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Topological susceptibility and string tension in the CP(N-1) models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 30 (1993) 830-833


6)  M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "1/N expansion of two-dimensional models in the scaling region"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 30 (1993) 827-829


7)  M.Campostrini and P.Rossi

            "The 1/N expansion of two-dimensional spin models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.)        34 (1994) 680-682


8)  P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Two dimensional SU(N)XSU(N) chiral models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 34 (1994) 689-691


9)  M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Asymptotic scaling from strong coupling in 2-d chiral models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 42 (1995) 598-600


10) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Strong coupling expansion of chiral models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 42 (1995) 601-602


11) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Running coupling constant and correlation length from Wilson loops"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 47 (1996) 251-253


12) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Four-point renormalized coupling constant in O(N) models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 47 (1996) 751-754


13) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Strong coupling expansion of lattice O(N) \sigma models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 47 (1996) 755-758


14) M.Campostrini, A.Cucchieri, T.Mendes, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi, A.D.Sokal and E.Vicari

            "Application of the O(N)-hyperspherical harmonics to the study of the continuum limits

            of 1-d \sigma models and to the generation of high-T expansions in higher dimensions"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 47 (1996) 759-762


15) M.Campostrini, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Critical behavior of the correlation function of 3-d O(N) models in the symmetric phase"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 53 (1997) 690-692


16) S.Caracciolo, M.S.Causo, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Crossover scaling from classical to non-classical critical behaviour"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 73 (1999) 757-762


17) M.Campostrini, M.Hasenbusch, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Critical exponents and equation of state of three-dimensional spin models"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 94 (2001) 857-860


18) M.Campostrini, P.Rossi, E.Vicari, M.Hasenbusch and A.Pelissetto

            "High-precision estimates of critical quantities by means of improved hamiltonians"

            International Journal of Modern Physics A 16 (2001) 2009-2014


19) L.Del Debbio, H.Panagopoulos, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Spectrum of k-string tensions in SU(N) gauge theories"

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 106 (2002) 668-690


20) M.Campostrini, M.Hasenbusch, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Equation of state for systems with Goldstone bosons"

            Proceedings of the Conference "Horizons in Complex Systems", Messina (2002)

Physica A 314 (2002) 177-181


21) P.Calabrese, A.Pelissetto, P.Rossi and E.Vicari

            "Field-theory results for three-dimensional transitions with complex symmetries"

            Proceedings of the International Conference of Theoretical Physics, TH2002,

            Paris, July 22-27, 2002  International Journal of Modern Physics B 17 (2003) 5829-5838


22) P.Rossi

            “Adriano as a Physicist, Teacher, Leader and Friend”

            in “Sense of Beauty in Physics”, pp 3-6,  Edizioni PLUS, Pisa 2006


23) P.Rossi

            “Lo scienziato e il contesto”  

in Atti del Convegno “G. Galilei e A. Pacinotti - Strumenti e scoperte di due

scienziati pisani”, Pisa 30 aprile 2007


24) P.Rossi

            “Dinamiche di reclutamento e di carriera della docenza universitaria”

in Atti del Convegno “Università e sistema Paese: per un governo partecipato

dello sviluppo”, Roma, 18-19.giugno 2008




25) C.Bonati, M.D’Elia, P.Rossi, E.Vicari

            “Theta dependence in the large N limit”

            34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theories 24-30 July 2016


26) P.Rossi

            “Morte e risurrezione della teoria dei campi 1960-1975”

            in Atti del XXXVI Congresso SISFA, Napoli, 4-7 ottobre 2016, pp. 279-291                    


27) P.Rossi

            “Mathematics as a social language: a (past and present) phenomenology”

            in Atti del Convegno “Imagine Math”, Venezia 1-2 aprile 2017


28) P. Rossi

            Physics in Pisa in the first half of the XX century: a reappraisal

            in Atti del XXXVII Congresso SISFA, Bari 26-29 settembre 2017


29) P. Rossi

            “The Method of Physics: is it a Metaphysics?”

            In Atti del Convegno di Arezzo, 14 dicembre 2016





            “Università e sistema della ricerca. Proposte per cambiare”

            Il Mulino, Bologna 2006 (pp. 274)1)


2) P. Rossi

            “Che cosa cercano i ricercatori?”,

in “Scienza e Società” (ed. P. Poinsotte), pp.126-134.  Aracne editrice S.r.l., Roma 2008,


3) P. Rossi

            “Nobildonne, regine e imperatrici nella corrispondenza di Gerbert”             (12.5.08)

            in “Doctissima Virgo” (ed. C.Sigismondi), pp. 126-135, Ateneo Pontificio, Roma 2009


4) P. Rossi

            “Che cosa possiamo ancora imparare dalla scienza medievale?”                   (22.12.08)

in “Doctissima Virgo” (ed. C.Sigismondi), pp. 120-125 Ateneo Pontificio, Roma 2009


5) L. Ribolzi e P. Rossi                                                                                              (29.5.08)

“I laureati specialisti”  in “X Profilo dei laureati italiani”a cura di AlmaLaurea,  pp. 167-190

Il Mulino, Bologna 2009


6) P. Rossi                                                                                                                  (8.8.08)

            “Attualità di Galileo”

in Catalogo della mostra “Il Cannocchiale e  il Pennello. Nuova scienza e nuova arte nell’età

di Galileo” (cura L. Tongiorgi e A. Tosi), p. 299-303,  Giunti, Firenze 2009


7) P. Rossi                                                                                                                  (17.11.08)

            “La distribution des noms de famille comme outil pour l’analyse des dynamiques

migratoires”,  in  “Un juego de engaños. Nombres, apellidos y movilidad en los siglos

XV al XVII”, pp. 153-159 Madrid 2010


8) P. Rossi                                                                                                                  (12.5.09)

            “From Gerbert’s Letters to Sylvester’s Privileges: the Seasons of a Man”

            in “Orbe Novus – Astronomia e studi gerbertiani” (ed. C. Sigismondi) pp. 41-48

Universitalia, Roma 2010


9) P.Rossi                                                                                                                   (12.5.09)

            “Privilegi papali di Silvestro II” in “Gerberto – Epistolario (trad. M.G. Panvini Carciotto)

(cura C.Sigismondi e P.Rossi), pp. 177-241 Ateneo Pontificio R.A., Roma 2010


10) P. Rossi                                                                                                                (29.10.09)

“L’Universo di Galileo”

in  “L’Universo di Galileo, l’Universo oggi”, pp. 21-25, Edizioni PLUS, Pisa 2010


11) C. Luperini e P. Rossi                                                                                          (11.12.09)

            “La Fisica pisana dal 1861 al 1982”                                                                          

            in “L’Università di Pisa dall’Unità a oggi”, Annale CISUI 14-2010, pp.193-205


12) P. Rossi                                                                                                                (11.12.09)

            “Le trasformazioni istituzionali dalla liberalizzazione degli accessi all’autonomia universitaria”

            in “L’Università di Pisa dall’Unità a oggi”, Annale CISUI 14-2010, pp. 85-88


13) P.Rossi e V.Russo                                                                                                (1.12.10)

            “Ricerca e valutazione: un binomio inscindibile per lo sviluppo del sistema universitario”

            in “Quattro anni di CUN per l’Università” (cura E.Toscano), Roma 2011, pp. 31-42


14) P.Rossi

            “Tutta la Scienza è Letteratura”                                                                      (1.8.11)

            in “Terza cultura”,  Il Saggiatore,  Milano 2011, pp. 191-194


15) P.Rossi

            “Le quattro stagioni degli scienziati pisani”                                                   (1.12.12)

in “L’organizzazione dei saperi all’Università di Pisa”, pp. 135-158, P.U.P., Pisa 2012


16) P.Rossi

“La distribuzione dei cognomi come strumento per l’analisi sociale: l’esempio della

docenza universitaria”

in “L’Italia dei cognomi” (cura A.Addobbati, R.Bizzocchi, G.Salinero),  pp. 203-207,

Pisa University Press, Pisa 2012                                                                    (1.12.12)        


17) S.Nelli, P.Rossi, R. Bizzocchi

“Un progetto di analisi statistica dei dati genealogici relativi a Montecarlo di Lucca in

eta’ moderna”

in “L’Italia dei cognomi” op.cit. pp. 209-212                                                 (1.12.12)


18) V. Cavasinni, S. Giudici, M.M. Massai,  P. Rossi, G. Signorelli, G. Spandre, E. Volterrani

            “Bruno Pontecorvo: un lungo viaggio tra storia e scienza”   

in “Atti di Pianeta Galileo 2013” (cura C. Bodei e M.M. Massai), Consiglio Regionale

della Toscana, Firenze 2015                                                                           (8.11.13)


19) P. Rossi

            “Carriere femminili e sistemi di valutazione”            

in  “Lavoro e carriere nell’Università. Gli organismi di parità e la promozione dell’equità

di genere (cura R. Biancheri e P. Tomio), pp.  85-93, ETS, Pisa 2015          (3.4.14)


20) P. Rossi

            “Donne nella ricerca: a quando una vera parità?”

            in “Anche I maschi nel loro piccolo…” (cura F. Marzano e E. Pietrafesa) pp. 17-25,

(e-book) WISTER 2015                                                                                 (30.6.15)


21) P. Rossi

            “Articolazione territoriale dell’università e contesto internazionale”            

            in  “Idee di università e strategie degli atenei italiani” (cura M. Michelini) pp. 243-246,

Guerini e associati, Milano 2016                                                                    (29.3.16)


22) P.Rossi

            “Concorsi e ricorsi: il reclutamento nelle discipline scientifiche e  il diritto amministrativo”

            in “Passato e presente del diritto amministrativo” -Liber Amicorum per Alberto Massera

            (cura G. Pizzanelli) pp. 407-414, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli 2017          (12.5.17)


23) P.Rossi

            “Risorse finanziarie del sistema universitario (2006-2016)”

            in “Unibook” (cura M.Morcellini P.Rossi E.Valentini), pp. 42-46,

FrancoAngeli, Milano 2017                                                                           (15.6.17)        


24) P.Rossi

            “Evoluzione della docenza universitaria (2006-2016)”

in “Unibook”, op. cit.,  pp. 47-56                                                                   (15.6.17)


25) M.Morcellini, P.Rossi e T.Valente

            “Valutazione della ricerca e delle riviste”

in “Unibook”, op. cit., pp. 158-162                                                                (15.6.17)        


26) P. Rossi

            “Enrico Fermi a Pisa”

            in “Se il risultato è contrario all’ipotesi”, pp. 43-56

            Pisa University Press, Pisa 2017                                                                    (12.12.17)


27) P.Rossi

            Il lungo viaggio delle idee scientifiche

            in G. Chaucer, “Trattato sull’Astrolabio” (cura G. Colombi e E.A. Olivari)

            Morcelliana, Brescia                                                                                       (1.1.2018)


28) P.Rossi


            in Thietmar di Merseburg, “Chronicon” (traduzione M. Taddei)

            Pisa University Press 2018                                                                             (31.5.2018)


29) P. Rossi

            “La Fisica a Pisa nella prima metà del Novecento”

            in “Fisica e fisici a Pisa nel Novecento” (cura xxx) Pisa University Press   (31.5.2018)









1) A.Di Giacomo, G.Paffuti and P.Rossi

            "Selected problems in theoretical physics (with solutions)"

            World Scientific, Singapore, 1992  (pp. viii+398)


2) P.Rossi

            "Meccanica relativistica e analitica"

Edizioni PLUS, Pisa, 2003 (pp. 328)

Edizioni PLUS, Pisa, 2006 (pp. 386) (Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata)


3) Flodoard

            “Annali (919-966)” - Introduzione, traduzione, note ed excursus di P.Rossi

            Edizioni PLUS, Pisa, 2007 (pp.  152)


4) Richer di Saint-Remi

            “I quattro libri delle storie (888-998)” – Introduzione, traduzione e note di P.Rossi

            Edizioni PLUS, Pisa, 2008 (pp.  272)


5) E. Guadagnini e P. Rossi

            “Studiare Fisica all’Università”

            Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2009 (pp. 160)


6) Gerbert d’Aurillac

            “Lettere (983-997)” - Introduzione, traduzione e note di P.Rossi

            Edizioni PLUS, Pisa, 2009 (pp. 230)


7) Adalbéron di Laon

            “Carme per re Roberto” – Introduzione, traduzione  note e appendice di P.Rossi

            Edizioni PLUS, Pisa, 2011 (pp. 72)


8) P.Rossi

            “Meccanica Classica”

Edizioni PLUS, Pisa 2011 (pp.496)


9) P. Rossi e G. Iurato

            “La scuola pisana di Fisica (1840-1950)”

            Pisa University Press (2018)






1) P.Rossi

“Un modello formale per la programmazione degli accessi e delle carriere negli E.P.R.”

            Il Nuovo Saggiatore 10; 2 (1994) 33-38                                                        (1993)


2) P. Rossi

            “L’innalzamento dell’età media dei docenti universitari: un fenomeno di lungo periodo”

            ASTRID Rassegna 15 maggio 2006 n.29                                                      (1.5.06)


3) P.Rossi

            “Nuove idee per la fisica del nuovo secolo”

In Folio n.2 (giugno 2006) p.4                                                                       (15.6.06)


4) P.Rossi

            “Le dinamiche di reclutamento e di carriera dei fisici”

            Il Nuovo Saggiatore  23; 3-4  (2007) 3-13                                                     (19.6.07)


5) P.Rossi

            “Un modello realistico del reclutamento dei docenti universitari”

            ASTRID Rassegna 12 luglio 2007 n.54                                                         (22.6.07)


9) F. Marzano e P. Rossi

            “Le dinamiche di reclutamento e di carriera delle donne nel sistema universitario italiano”

            ASTRID Rassegna 12 settembre 2008 n.77                                                   (2.8.08)


10) P. Rossi

            “Uscire dalla palude. Tanti nomi per un docente.”

            VS La Rivista n. 19-20, Anno IV (ottobre 2008)                                           (15.10.08)


11) P. Rossi

            “Proposte di riforma della governance

            Universitas n. 111 Anno XXX (marzo 2009)                                                 (7.3.09)


12) P. Rossi

            “Ponti dell’anno Mille”                                                                                  

            Galileo n. 194 (Ottobre 2009) p.15                                                                (18.7.09)


13) P. Rossi

“Alcune osservazioni “tecniche” sul d.d.l. Gelmini”

ASTRID Rassegna 20 Novembre 2009 n.103                                                (10.11.09)


14) P.Rossi                                                                                                                

            “Algoritmi matematici nelle lettere di Gerbert”

            Gerbertus 1 (2010) pp. 16-23                                                                         (11.5.10)


15) P.Rossi

            “Ascelin di Laon nelle fonti coeve”

            Gerbertus 1 (2010) pp. 24-62                                                                         (11.5.10)


16) P. Rossi

            “La valutazione della ricerca”

            Analysis Anno 12 – N.2/2010 4-7                                                                  (1.7.10


17) P. Rossi

            “Problemi e ipotesi per valutare la ricerca”

            Menodizero, Anno II, N.5, Aprile-Giugno 2011                                            (1.6.11)


18) P. Rossi

            Perché Silvestro? Chiesa e Impero tra Donatio e Renovatio

            Gerbertus II (2011) pp. 27-36                                                                         (12.5.11)


19) P. Rossi

            “Evoluzione normativa ed evoluzione della docenza”

            ASTRID Rassegna 25 gennaio 2012 n.151                                                    (15.1.12)


20) P.Rossi

            “Dinamica e prospettive del reclutamento universitario”

            Sociologia Italiana n. 0 (2012) pp. 159-172                                                   (9.3.12)


21) P.Rossi

            “Abbon di Fleury e Gerbert d’Aurillac: due giganti a confronto”    

Gerbertus III (2012) pp. 11-16                                                                       (12.5.12)


22) R.Frattini, P.Rossi

            “Report sulle donne nell’Universita’ italiana”

            Menodizero, Anno III, N.8-9, Gennaio-Giugno 2012                                    (30.6.12)


23) P. Rossi                                                                                                               

            “Problemi e prospettive per la valutazione della ricerca in Italia”

            Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione 52 (2012)   pp. 1-13                                   (1.12.12)


24) P. Rossi

            “Paura degli antichi, paura dei moderni”

            Comunicazionepuntodoc n.7 (2013) pp. 47-49                                              (5.12.12)


25) P. Rossi

            “Riforma dell’universita’: un primo bilancio”

            Analysis N. 1-2 Ottobre 2013 (Anno XV) pp. 1-10                                      (29.5.13)


26) P. Rossi

            “Il Punto Organico: una storia italiana

            Roars Transactions 3 (2015) pp. 1-7                                                              (1.12.14)


27) P. Rossi

            “I fisici nel sistema universitario italiano 1980-2015”          

Il Nuovo Saggiatore 31: 3 (2015) pp. 80-87                                                  (30.6.15)


28) P. Rossi

“Sorvegliare e punire. La valutazione come tecnica di potere”

Comunicazionepuntodoc n.12 (2015) pp. 179-188                                        (5.6.15)


29) P.Rossi

            “La fisica universitaria in una prospettiva di genere: 1980-2015”    

            Il Nuovo Saggiatore 31: 5-6 (2015) pp. 91-93                                               (12.12.15)


30) P. Rossi

            “Istruzione e Sistema Paese”

            Articolo 33 n. 1 (Gennaio 2016) pp. 9-11                                                      (2.10.15)


31) P. Rossi

            “Stato giuridico, reclutamento ed evoluzione della docenza universitaria (1975-2015)

Roars Transactions 4 n. 1 (2016)  pp. 1-14                                                    (31.1.16)


32) P. Rossi

            “44 domande e risposte su fisica e astrofisica moderne”

            Gerbertus  IX (2016) pp. 45-60                                                                      (1.5.16)

33) P. Rossi

            “Luci e ombre della VQR”

            Analysis N. 2 Settembre 2016 (Anno XVII) pp. 7-11                                    (15.5.16)


34) P. Rossi

            “Il viaggio degli astrolabi da Oriente a Occidente”

            Gerbertus 10 (2016) pp. 87-98                                                                       (4.6.16)


35) P Rossi

            “Romanzo e storia, romanzo e scienza”

            Odradek Vol.II n. 1 (2016) 31-49                                                                   (9.8.16)


36) P. Rossi

            “L’evoluzione della docenza universitaria (1998-2016)

            Munus n. 3 (2016) pp. 651-662                                                                      (12.10.16)


37) V. Ambriola e P. Rossi

            “Ruolo e funzioni delle commissioni paritetiche docenti studenti”               (28.3.17)

   n.8 (2017) pp. 1-12


38) F. Amanti e P. Rossi

            “Influenza del luogo di nascita sulle scelte professionali: il caso dell’università italiana”

            Sociologia Italiana n. 9 (2017) pp.54-67                                                        (3.1.17)          


39) P. Rossi

            “La Fisica universitaria italiana tra riforme e crisi”

            Giornale di Fisica Vol. LVIII n.2 (2017) pp. 123-166                                   (8.3.17)


40) P. Rossi

“Rapporto con il territorio, orientamento e reclutamento come condizioni abilitanti per una buona università”

Scuola Democratica 2/2017 (2017) pp. 387-401                                           (12.3.16)




41) P. Rossi

            “Esercizi di valutazione: un’analisi d’impatto dei criteri”     

            I quaderni di Articolo 33 n. 3 (2018) pp. 65-74                                             (3.8.2017)      


42) G.Iurato e P.Rossi

            “Sulla storia delle coordinate di Fermi”

            Quaderni di Storia della Fisica 20 (2018) pp. 43-53                                      (31.8.2017)


43) R. Bizzocchi e P.Rossi

            “La genealogia come disciplina ausiliaria della genetica”

            Quaderni Storici                                                                                              (31.8.2017)


44) P. Rossi

            “Concorsi e ricorsi: meglio la legge o la giustizia?”

            Analysis 3/2017 (2018) pp. 19-22                                                                  (17.11.17)      





1) P.Rossi


            Atti del Convegno “Dalla riunione degli scienziati (1839) all’unità d’Italia”

            Pisa, 16 dicembre 2011 – Limonaia Scienza Viva                                         (5.3.12)


2) P.Rossi


D. Borrelli, “L’ANVUR e l’arte della rottamazione dell’Università. Contro l’ideologia

della valutazione”, pp. 1-3 Editoriale Jouvence, Milano 2015                      (30.1.15)



3) M.Morcellini, P.Rossi e E.Valentini

            “Idee e strumenti per rafforzare il dibattito sull’Università. Premessa alla lettura”

Unibook” (cura M.Morcellini P.Rossi E.Valentini), pp. 7-12

FrancoAngeli, Milano 2017                                                                           (15.6.17)


4) P.Rossi


            “Se il risultato è contrario all’ipotesi”, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2017      (12.12.17)      









1) M.Campostrini, S.Caracciolo, L.Cosmai, A.Di Giacomo, F.Rapuano and P.Rossi, editors

            "Lattice '99", Proceedings of the XVIIth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory

            Nuclear Physics B (Proc.Suppl.) 83-84 (2000) March 2000


2) M.D’Elia, K.Konishi, E.Meggiolaro and P.Rossi, editors

            “Sense of Beauty in Physics”, A Volume in Honour of Adriano Di Giacomo

Edizioni PLUS, Pisa 2006


3) C.Sigismondi, P.Rossi

            “ Gerberto – Epistolario” (trad. M.G. Panvini Carciotto) – Collana Scienza e Fede

Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Roma 2010


4) M.Morcellini. P. Rossi, E.Valentini

            “Unibook. Per un database sull’Università”, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2017   


5) P. Rossi et al

            “Fisica e Fisici a Pisa nel Novecento”

            Pisa University Press, 2018