Piano Lauree Scientifiche

The programme ‘Piano Lauree Scientifiche’ (PLS), previously called Progetto Lauree Scientifiche, was founded in 2004 by the Italian Ministry for Education and Researh, the Council of Science and Technology Deans, and Confindustria. PLS is an initiative focused on students, in order to favour their gaining of high-level scientific skills. Nowadays, these skills become more and more related important to deal with challenges of fast changes of contemporary society, as well as to strengthen the impact of teaching and advanced education on the broad society.

The Ministry, through different ministerial decrees, supported PLS with continuous funding. The programme is articulated in six specific actions/directions.

The Department of Physics of the University of Pisa takes part in PLS for Physics teaching (one of the nine existing national project in this framework). Our activities involve laboratories, seminars, courses and lectures addressing advanced education for teachers, etc.

PLS coordinator for the Department of Physics: prof. Riccardo Mannella.

PLS Actions

The PLS offers various activities within the following actions:

1. University orientation, gender equality

2. Reduction of number of early university leavers

3. Advanced education of tutors for students

4. Fundamental science labs

5. Self-evaluation didactics

6. Science education and training of high-school teachers

Documents (in italian)


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