Research Area: PHYS-02/A - Fisica Teorica delle Interazioni Fondamentali, Modelli, Metodi Matematici e Applicazioni
Research activities
My research activity up to now has been devoted to the study of High-Energy Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Lattice Gauge Theories and, more specifically, to non-perturbative (both analytical and numerical) methods for studying Gauge Theories, with particular regard to the vacuum properties and phenomenology of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD), both at zero and at finite (non-zero) temperature. In the last few years my research program has been focused on the following non-perturbative aspects of QCD: i) the problem of hadron-hadron elastic scattering in the limit of high energy and small transferred momentum; ii) the role of chiral symmetries, including the U(1) axial symmetry, in the phase structure of the theory and their relationships with the confinement property, the topological properties of the QCD vacuum, and the properties of the so-called “QCD axion”.