Research Area: PHYS-05/A - Astrofisica, Cosmologia e Scienza Dello Spazio
Research activities
My research activity is mainly focused on theoretical stellar evolution. Relying on the FRANEC evolutionary code I am able to model the evolution of low and intermediate-mass stars from the pre-main sequence to the cooling white dwarf phases. I collaborate to the construction and development of the Pisa Stellar Models Data Base (, a rich database of evolutionary tracks and isochrones covering a large range of chemical compositions, mass and age values.
Recent publications
- Broadband multi-wavelength properties of M87 during the 2018 EHT campaign including a very high energy flaring episode [2024]
- Constraining the helium-to-metal enrichment ratio ΔY/ΔZ from main-sequence binary stars [2024]
- Constraints on axion-like particles with the Perseus Galaxy Cluster with MAGIC [2024]
- Constraints on Lorentz invariance violation from the extraordinary Mrk 421 flare of 2014 using a novel analysis method [2024]
- Constraints on VHE gamma-ray emission of flat spectrum radio quasars with the MAGIC telescopes [2024]