From March 4th to March 16th, 2024, the Museo della Grafica in Pisa will host the exhibition “Creating by Imagining. Students Bring Science into Art“, from the ‘Art & Science Across Italy’ project for schools.
The exhibition features about 80 works created by 250 students from several high schools in Tuscany.
Each piece of art is inspired by various scientific disciplines, from physics to geology.
The exhibition is organized by the Pisa section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in collaboration with the University of Pisa, Museo della Grafica, the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), the National Institute of Optics (INO) of CNR, and with the support of the Department of Physics, the Municipality of Pisa, and the associations Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics and Fundamental Research in Physics.
For more information, visit the website https://artandscience.infn.it/.