European Union
- Program Exchange for Chiral Symmetry (EXQIRAL)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Staff Exchanges"Departmental PI: Prof. Marco Polini
- Quantum Dynamic Control of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Processes (Q-DYNAMO)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Staff Exchanges"Departmental PI: Prof.ssa Donatella Ciampini
- Search for new physics and technological advancements from neutrino experiments at the high intensity frontier. A cooperative Europe – United States – Brazil – Russia effort (SENSE)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Staff Exchanges"Departmental PI: Prof. Simone Donati
- Power to the LHC data: an ASYmptotically MOdel-independent measurement of the W boson mass (ASYMOW)Project action: European Research Council Consolidator Grants Departmental PI: Prof. Lorenzo Bianchini
- Digitally Enhanced European Quantum Technology Master (DigiQ)Project action: DIGITAL-SIMPLE DIGITAL Simple GrantsDepartmental PI: Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Chiofalo
- Nanoscale Electromagnetic Control of Advanced Lubricants (NanoECoAL)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Postdoctoral Fellowships"Departmental PI: Prof. Simone Capaccioli
- Deep Learning the Dark Universe with Gravitational Waves (DELEDDA)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Postdoctoral Fellowships"Departmental PI: Prof. Walter Del Pozzo
- Probes of new physics and technological advancements from particle and gravitational wave physics experiments. A cooperative Europe – United States – Asia effort (PROBES)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Research and Innovation Staff Exchange"Departmental PI: Prof.ssa Angela Papa
- Gravitational Universe: Challenges and Opportunities (GRU)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie "Research and Innovation Staff Exchange"Departmental PI: Prof. Leonardo Gualtieri
- Hydrodynamic electronics (HYDROTRONICS)Project action: Marie Sklodowska-Curie" Research and Innovation Staff Exchange"Departmental PI: Prof. Marco Polini
- Euro bio_Imaging per l’implementazione ddel multi-Sited MMMI (NODOMMMI)Project action: MIUR-FOE 2012Departmental PI: Prof. Nicola Belcari
- Analog Spectral Imager for X-rays (ASIX)Project action: MUR-FISA-2022-00393Departmental PI: Prof. Luca Baldini
- Dipartimento di eccellenza 2023/2027Departmental PI: Prof. Dario Pisignano
- Carving out the landscape of QFTProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Alessandro Vichi
- Spicule Mats: Advanced Research on technologies of nature (ANTARTIDE)Project action: PNRA18_00242Departmental PI: Prof. Dario Pisignano
- PNRR – Infrastrutture di ricerca- Einstein Telescope (ETIC)Project action: PNRR - Infrastrutture di Ricerca IRDepartmental PI: Prof. Francesco Fidecaro
- SuPporting restARt spoKe 3 reSearch (SPARKS)Project action: Bando a Cascata PNRR - Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.3, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEUDepartmental PI: Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci, Prof. Alessandro Pitanti
- PNRR – Intelligenza artificiale: aspetti fondazionali (FAIR)Project action: PNRR - Partenariati Estesi PE1Departmental PI: Prof. Andrea Rizzi
- Integrated Analog Neural Network for Emission Tomography (IANNET)Project action: PRIN 2022 PNRRDepartmental PI: Prof. Nicola Belcari
- Quantum many-body batteries: circuit QED architectures and NV centers in diamond (QMBs)Project action: Bando a Cascata PNRR - Programma National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) PE0000023Departmental PI: Prof. Marco Polini
- PNRR – Diagnostica e terapie innovative nella medicina di precisione (HEAL ITALY Health Extended ALliance for Innovative Therapies, Advanced Lab-research, and Integrated Approaches of Precision Medicine)Project action: PNRR - Partenariati Estesi HEAL ITALY – PE6 SPOKE 6Departmental PI: Prof. Nicola Belcari
- PNRR – Diagnostica e terapie innovative nella medicina di precisione (HEAL ITALY – Health Extended ALliance for Innovative Therapies, Advanced Lab-research, and Integrated Approaches of Precision Medicine)Project action: PNRR - Partenariati Estesi – PE6 SPOKE 3Departmental PI: Prof.ssa Maria Giuseppina Bisogni
- PNRR – Diagnostica e terapie innovative nella medicina di precisione (HEAL ITALY Health Extended ALliance for Innovative Therapies, Advanced Lab-research, and Integrated Approaches of Precision Medicine)Project action: PNRR - Partenariati Estesi - PE6 SPOKE 2Departmental PI: Prof.ssa Maria Evelina Fantacci
- Mid-Infrared Nanophotonics for Sustainability (MINAS)Project action: PRIN 2022 PNRRDepartmental PI: Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci
- PNRR – Tuscany Health Ecosystem (THE)Project action: PNRR - Ecosistemi dell'Innovazione ECS SPOKE 4 (Leader – UNIPI) Nanotechnologies for diagnosis and therapy Departmental PI: Prof. Dario Pisignano
- INtegrable Thz si-basEd quaNtum caScade opEration (INTENSE)Project action: PRIN 2022 PNRRDepartmental PI: Prof. Michele Virgilio
- La metamorfosi Additiva del Design (MAD)Project action: PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014–2020 Departmental PI: Prof. Simone Capaccioli
- PNRR – Sviluppo di terapia genica e farmaci con tecnologia a RNAProject action: PNRR - Centri Nazionali CN3Departmental PI: Prof.ssa Francesca Cella Zanacchi
- Adjusting the clock(s) to unveil the CHRONO-chemo-dynamical Structure of the Galaxy (CHRONOS)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Scilla Dedl'Innocenti
- germanium Quantum wells for SENSing in the mid-infrareEd (QSENSE)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Michele Virgilio
- TeRahertz Polaritons unveiled by NEar-field nanoscopy (TRAPNE)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Andrea Tomadin
- TRampolines as Ultra-Sensitive Thermomechanical bolometers (TRUSTT)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Stefano Roddaro
- Boosting Inference for Gravitational-wave Astrophysics (BIGA)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Angelo Ricciardone
- Real time reconstruction of data from LHC experiments with a distributed FPGA systemProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Giovanni Punzi
- INdirect SIGnature of new Higher TeV energy scale physics (INSIGHT)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Angela Papa
- Flavors: dark and intenseProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Paolo Panci
- Time Of Flight Proton RADiography with plastic scintillators (TOFpRad)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Matteo Morrocchi
- Exploiting separation of scales in nuclear structure and dynamicsProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Laura Elisa Marcucci
- Muon Scattering for G-2 (MUS4GM2)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Anna Driutti
- Non-perturbative aspects of fundamental interactions, in the Standard Model and beyondProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Massimo D'Elia
- HH searches at the HL-LHC exploiting Time information in event reconstruction (HHTime)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Maria Agnese Ciocci
- In vitro and in vivo measurements of FLASH radiotherapy-induced effects on oxygen dynamics and radiobiological damage (OxyFLASH)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Esther Ciarrocchi
- Non-equilibrium routes to control the switching cycle in phase-change materialsProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Simone Capaccioli
- Emerging gauge theories: critical properties and quantum dynamicsProject action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Claudio Bonati
- Monitor for flash therapy (MORSE)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Maria Giuseppina Bisogni
- Partially Reconstructed Event: a new vision of the computing model in HEP (PRE)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Paolo Francavilla
- Artificially devised many-body quantum dynamics in low dimensions (ManyQLowD)Project action: PRIN 2022Departmental PI: Prof. Vincenzo Alba
- PNRR – Tecnologie dell’Agricoltura (Agritech)Project action: PNRR - Centri Nazionali CN2Departmental PI: Prof.ssa Alessandra Toncelli
- PNRR – HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (Simulazioni, calcolo e analisi dei dati ad alte prestazioni)Project action: PNRR - Centri Nazionali CN1 SPOKE 10 (POLIMI) Quantum Computing Departmental PI: Prof. Massimo D'Elia
- Toward high mass and high Z black holes at Sos Enattos, the Sardinian site for the Einstein TelescopeProject action: PRIN 2020Departmental PI: Prof. Francesco Fidecaro
- PNRR – StrEngthEning the ItaLIan InFrastructure of Euro-bioimaging (SEE LIFE)Project action: PNRR - Infrastrutture di ricerca IRDepartmental PI: Prof. Nicola Belcari
- Light-matter interactions and the collective behavior of quantum 2D materials (q-LIMA)Project action: PRIN 2020Departmental PI: Prof. Marco Polini
Tuscany Region
- No project found -
- LISA Global FitProject action: Ricerche con finanziamenti competitivi da altri Ministeri e altre Amministrazioni centraliDepartmental PI: Prof. Walter Del Pozzo
- Pavement Diagnostics through Artificial Intelligence (PASSAGE)Project action: Fondo per lo sviluppo di tecnologie e applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale, blockchain e internet of thingsDepartmental PI: Prof. Francesco Fidecaro
- Space It Up!Project action: Partenariato esteso “Space it up” del PNRRDepartmental PI: Prof. Luca Baldini
- Premiale 2015: sviluppo di sensori TES antenna-coupled (TES)Project action: AGENZIA SPAZIALE ITALIANA - ASIDepartmental PI: Prof. Donato Nicolò
- Lite (Light) satellite for the studies of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection (LiteBIRD)Project action: AGENZIA SPAZIALE ITALIANA - ASIDepartmental PI: Prof. Donato Nicolò