Final exam

The final exam needed to obtain the Degree in Physics consists in discussing a topic, covered in the degree of study, in front of  the Bachelor Degree Commission: the candidate is expected to discuss the chosen topic with clarity and appropriate physics language. This final viva is worth 3 CFU.

The viva exam topic should be chosen on the suggestion of a faculty member who will also act as a “tutor” or guarantor.

The final exam consists of writing a long abstract and delivering a related oral presentation lasting about 10 minutes, followed by a possible discussion. 
The discussion may only take place on pre-determined dates: the graduation sessions
Upon request, candidates may present up to 5 slides during the discussion.

For more information, consult:

Starting from the February 2024 graduation session, photographers must be accredited: read how to choose photographers for graduation exams. If you wish to have a trusted professional photographer, you must indicate their name by emailing within 15 days of the session opening to arrange the necessary pass for accessing the graduation room. Invited professional photographers must collect their “Invited Photographer” ID badge at the Department of Physics reception (Largo Pontecorvo, 3) by presenting identification, which will be returned upon returning the badge.

Below are tables with deadlines and submission links for the final exam for the new curriculum (DM 270) and the old curriculum (DM 509).

Deadlines and document submission for the final exam (new curriculum)

Graduation Session Date

Deadline for graduation application submission

Link for submitting the application

Link for submitting the long abstract

Link for submitting slides Committee and schedule
  Notification Submission Exam Certification Submission        
14/10/2024 16/09/2024 30/09/2024 application long abstract slides


13/12/2024 13/11/2024 28/11/2024 application long abstract slides


10/02/2025 13/01/2025 27/01/2025 application long abstract slides


01/04/2025 03/03/2025 17/03/2025 application long abstract slides


19/06/2025 20/05/2025 04/06/2025 application long abstract slides


15/07/2025 16/06/2025 30/06/2025 application long abstract slides


15/09/2025 *21/08/2025 01/09/2025 application long abstract slides


*Date subject to change

Deadlines and document submission for the final exam (old curriculum)

For information related to graduation sessions of the old curriculum (DM 509/99), contact the Academic Secretariat directly.

Forms for the final exam (old curriculum)

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