You can build your own Study Plan by exploiting pre-defined options (already approved by the CdS Council). New pre-defined options for Study Plans, or specific changes on previously approved options, are made available yearly by the CdS Council. Your own Study Plan might be catch among options available in the academic years during which you enroll, or in subsequent years. For instance, if you enroll during the academic year 2019/2020, you are allowed to chose a Pre-defined Study Plan among those made available 2019/2020, or among those made available in more recent years.
Personalised Study Plan
If pre-defined options are not for you, you can also build a personalised Study Plan (‘Free Study Plan’); in this case, your Plan proposal will need to be evaluated and ultimately approved by the CdS Council.
It is important to obtain such formal approval before starting taking exams.
External and abroad activities
A Study Plan can embed a few external didactic activities, namely didactic activities carried out outside the Physics Department. These might include, for instance, internships in universities abroad, periods spent in international laboratories, Summer Schools, or didactic activities carried out at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa. See guidelines for abroad didactic activities.
In addition, the Department of Physics offers ‘double degree’ paths with Sorbonne-Université and with the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU). Learn more on ‘double degree‘ paths.
Submit your Study Plan
You can submit your Study Plan anytyme, through the CAPS web portal. To access, use your UniPi credentials (the same used for the Alice web portal).
Change your Study Plan
To make variations in your Study Plan (for instance, if you want to include a specific exam not already embedded in the previously approved Plan), you need to submit proposed changes. It is important to then obtain a formal approval by the CdS Board, before taking newly included exams.
Guidelines to build your own Study Plans are presented in the CAPS web portal.
Pre-defined Study Plans 2024/2025
Pre-defined Study Plans, previous years
- Study Plans and Curricula 2023/2024
- Double diplome in Physics with Sorbonne University 2023
- Double diplome in Physics with Sorbonne University 2022
- Study Plans and Curricula 2022/23
- Study Plans and Curricula 2021/22
- Study Plans and Curricula 2020/21
- Curriculum ex-Europlasmi 2020/2021
- Study Plans and Curricula 2019/20
- Curriculum Europlasmi 2019/20
- Study Plans 2018/2019