
The Bachelor’s Degree in Physics at the University of Pisa is organized according to Ministerial Decree of October 22, 2004, No. 270.

To graduate, students must earn 180 University Educational Credits (hereafter CFU), acquired by passing exams or other forms of proficiency assessment, and complete a final examination. Each university credit corresponds to 25 hours of total workload for the student. This total workload comprises various educational activities: lectures, classroom exercises, laboratory experiences, and independent individual or group study.

The first two years of the Bachelor’s Degree follow a fully guided curriculum with fundamental courses designed to build a solid foundational knowledge. Starting from the third year, part of the CFUs can be earned through educational activities freely chosen by the student: view the presentation of elective courses.

List of courses for recent academic years

To check which university and extracurricular educational activities are required to obtain the Bachelor’s Degree, such as courses, consult the Didactic Regulations corresponding to the academic year of your enrollment: Regulations.

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