Summer Schools

Summer/Winter Schools (S/W Schools) are intensive educational programs for Italian and international students. They feature non-conventional teaching methods (e.g., workshops, tutorials, excursions, cultural events) and a multidisciplinary approach. S/W Schools have a minimum duration of 4 days and a maximum of 6 weeks.

Available Summer/Winter Schools

The proposed S/W Schools are listed annually in the dedicated section of the Department’s website. If you wish to attend an S/W School other than those listed, you must inform Prof. Francesco Forti, who will evaluate the overall educational quality of the School. You can consult the list of S/W Schools organized by the University of Pisa, particularly those by the Department of Physics here.

Target Audience

S/W Schools, whether organized by the University of Pisa or other institutions, may be of interest to the following students in Physics:

  • Undergraduate students (bachelor, third year)
  • Graduate students (master’s level)
  • Recent graduates
  • PhD candidates

Procedure for Credit Recognition

Before attending an S/W School, you must submit a Study Plan (PdS) for approval. The plan should include the educational activities (courses, etc.) required for your degree and the S/W School you intend to attend, along with the program or a link to the relevant web page. Approval of the Study Plan is necessary to ensure insurance coverage during the School and subsequent credit recognition.

At the end of the S/W School and no later than the first week of October, you must attach the participation certificate to the approved Study Plan and send an email to with the subject “S/W School,” specifying the School to be recognized in your academic record.

Registration of the S/W Schools

The number of credits recognized for an S/W School may not correspond to the ECTS credits and can vary from 3 CFU for Schools lasting up to 2 week, up to a maximum of 6 CFU for longer Schools. For ECTS-accredited Schools that include a grade, the International Coordinator (CAI) will convert the grade. If no grade is provided, an “idoneità” will be certified.

Once the maximum of 6 CFU for S/W Schools is reached, you may attend additional Schools, but they will only be listed in the Diploma Supplement.

We underline that, for undergraduate students, a 6 CFU long-term S/W School can be recorded as an elective exam. More commonly, for 3 CFU Schools, the credits may be included in one of the following ways:

  1. as part of the bachelor’s thesis, by discussing a topic covered during the School during the final exam;
  2. as an elective exam, if the credits can be integrated with an additional 3 CFU educational activity;
  3. as an extra-curricular activity, listed in the Diploma Supplement.

Contact us

For further information on Schools, you can contact Prof. Francesco Forti.
For administrative/logistic issues, you can contact our Internationalisation Office
The International Coordinator (CAI) of the Department of Physics is Prof. Simone Donati

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