External didactic activities

The Study Program acknowledges that completing part of the educational journey outside the Department, particularly at universities or foreign laboratories, represents a significant cultural growth opportunity. For this reason, it encourages such activities, provided they are of high quality and coherently integrated into the academic path.

Bachelor’s Degree: When planning mobility activities, it is essential to consider that, due to the structure and organization of Bachelor’s courses, integrating these experiences into the curriculum is often challenging, except for small-credit activities, typically associated with Summer/Winter School experiences.

Master’s Degree: Conversely, in the Master’s program, it is easier to design academic paths that include mobility activities, even for a substantial number of credits. For Master’s students, the Department of Physics also offers the opportunity to pursue programs leading to a “double degree,” combining the Master’s Degree in Physics from the University of Pisa with a degree awarded by prestigious international universities.

If you plan to include an external activity, especially abroad, in your academic path, it is essential to incorporate it into an individual study plan to be submitted through the CAPS portal. This ensures the educational validity of the proposed activity is evaluated and that the corresponding credits are appropriately integrated into your academic record.

Useful Information and Links

  • To learn about various study abroad opportunities, visit the dedicated UniPi portal;
  • To learn more about Double Degrees, check the active programs here;
  • For more information on Summer/Winter Schools, visit the dedicated page.
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