Summer/Winter Schools are advanced, intensive academic courses for national and international students as well as for young graduates. Summer/Winter Schools often unconventional and multidisciplinary didactic features (with workshops, tutorials, research excursion programs, cultural events). Their duration ranges from a few days, to a maximum of 6 weeks.
Summer/Winter Schools managed by the University of Pisa are listed here. The Schools organized by the Department of Physics are at the following link: Summer Schools in mathematical, physical and natural sciences.
Summer/Winter Schools (managed either by the University of Pisa or by other Universities or Research Bodies) may be of interest for students in Physics attending:
- Bachelor’s Degree (third year)
- Master’s Degree
- PhD
as well as for young graduates.
Recognition of CFU/ECTS
Attending a Summer/Winter School providing ECTS can lead to the recognition of University Credits (CFU) relevant for graduating by the Department of Physics. This, however, is viable only if the School is well-matches with your own educational path.
Please be aware that the exact number of CFUs that are recognised for Summer/Winter Schools can be different from provided ECTS, and cannot be larger than 6.
In addition, before attending a Summer/Winter School you will need to submit a Study Plan (specifying the kind of School, as well as all other exams to be taken). Your Plan proposal will be then evaluated and, if judged positively, ultimately approved by the CdS Council. Please note that, in case of subsequent changes of your Study Plan, University Credits related to the Summer/Winter School and included in the original proposal will no longer be necessarily approved.
After attendance, you will need to record and claim the recognized CFU.
The registration of CFUs follows the criteria listed below:
- The Study Plan of the school must have been approved; and, the content of the school must be consistent with the rest of the educational path;
- From 3 to 6 CFUs can be recognized;
- In case of schools are accredited with ECTS, the recognition of 3 CFUs is standard (if the activity is approved). In case of schools are not accredited with ECTS, it is necessary to inform the CdS President upon completion of the activity, and a commission will be formed for the recognition examination.
Diploma Supplement
If formally approved, the attendance of a Summer/Winter School is recorded in a Diploma Supplement.
Contact us
For further information on Schools, you can contact prof. Francesco Forti.
For administrative/logistic issues, you can contact our Internationalisation Office
The Coordinator for Internationalisation (CAI) of the Department of Physics is prof. Simone Donati.